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Episode 7
Drawing in the design process
Benjamin Baker & Mabel Lazzarin

In this episode Benjamin Baker and Mabel Lazzarin talk about how the practice of drawing plays a part in the design process in their activities as designers. They also talk about their experiences of learning and practicing drawing in BA Design courses and the importance of this practice to the professional field.

Benjamin Baker Benjamin Baker is a designer and production director of the Unto This Last Limited studio. He holds a bachelor's degree in Product and Interior Design from Reading School of Art and Design, with a Master's degree in Technology and Furniture Design from Buckinghamshire New University.


Mabel Lazzarini is an UX designer with experience working at the Nourish Care and Interaction Web Design. She holds a Bachelor of Graphic Design from the University of the Santa Catarina State in Brazil, UX Design Course from the Assembly, London, and a Masters in Digital Experience Design from Hyper Island, Manchester.

ISBN 978-85-8302-131-5

© 2017 por Pesquisa em desenho | Anelise Zimmermann

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