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Special thanks to: the Brazilian Federal Government, responsible for the Programme Science Without Borders, for supporting free public higher education in Brazil and abroad. The Brazilian National Council of Technological and Scientific Development, Science without Borders Programme, for supporting the studies in the United Kingdom. Solange Coutinho, the supervisor of the Postgraduate Programme in Design at the Federal University of Pernambuco, for inspiring the research in education, drawing and design in Brazil. Professor Stephen Farthing and the University of the Arts London, for inspiring research in the field of drawing. The University of Santa Catarina State, for supporting research into education. All the interviewees, Simon Betts, Kelly Chorpening, Miraj Ahmed, Tony Thatcher, Sarah Pickstone, Paul Gopal-Chowdhury, Oliver Salias, Eileen Adams, Benjamin Baker, Mabel Lazarrin and Tim Fendley, for their kindness in sharing their knowledge. Ana Cristina Zimmermann, Sara Copetti Klon, Mabel Lazarrin Carla Teske and Rodrigo Kormann, Thalles Fiala, Fernanda Odilla e Sérgio Utsch for their collaboration on the project. Walter Zimmermann, for encouraging me to draw and create new paths. The students I meet at the Federal University of Pernambuco and at the University of Santa Catarina State, for sharing their enthusiasm for drawing with me.

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